In Republicanland...
"Non factual" statements are considered the gospel.
Fox News is "fair and balanced".
The new slogan is: "The economy always roars when we're at war!"
Mormons need not apply, but are good to have around only when it suits or supports established Republicans doctrine.
You must pledge allegience to Grover Norquist when elected into office.
Corporations are the lawmakers.
Jesus is replaced with Reagan.
Stimulus is a bad thing, even if it is successful.
Anyone brown with a Spanish surname is automatically considered an illegal alien.
Committing abortion is punished with the death penalty.
A Republican litmus test is given before any candidate can run for office.
Sending jobs overseas is a good thing because it spurs job growth at home.
Hypocracy is an art form.
Washing machines are considered very Republican because of the spin cycle.
Anyone with a different point of view from the established Republican doctrine is labeled a liberal America-hating communist.
Child labor laws are repealed only for minorities and poor people.
There is no public education system because it is considered a hand out.
Being gay or non christian is against moral law and subject to arrest.
There is no freedom of speech unless you can afford it.
The draft is renistated to create "job growth" among the poor only.
There is no middle-class.
Health care is a matter how much money you have: how healthy can you afford to be?
Freeways are now tollways.
There are more prisons than neighborhoods.
Any person or entity (e.i; corporation, business, or conglomerate) that generates a million dollars or more, pay no taxes.
Guns can be purchased from vending machines.
English (American only, not the Queens english) is the only language allowed to be spoken and read.
Country drawl or Southern twang are the only acceptable accents allowed to be spoken or heard publicly.
The Republican Party and Tea Party are the only state-sanctioned political parties allowed.
Country music is the state-sanctioned music allowed with the exception of some forms of pop music for business purposes only. All other forms or genres are illegal and is considered a jailable offense.
Social security, medicare and medicaid are voucher programs poor people are to buy into.