Boehner should be crying by now.-----^
Although Boehner could care less what Democrats and have asked for in fairness in sharing tax cuts, but he had to capitulate to increasing criticism from the "right" as well. The Tea Party coalition did not want the Payroll Tax Cut to pass and told Boehner to vote against it, even after the deal was approved by most of the Senate Republicans and Mitch McConnell in an actual bipartisan effort with Democrats. Millions of working class Americans waited in anticipation of the Payroll Tax Cut to pass easily especially since it was, in essence, a tax cut that all Republicans vowed, promised, and signed an oath to keep. Obviously this was one tax cut all Republicans failed to exclude in their anti-tax pledge to Grover Norquist.
Boehner folded like a broken accordion and had to shovel out a list of excuses to why he changed his position to pass the Payroll Tax Cut. Republicans, especially Tea Party Republicans (those who lean towards and those who admit to being Tea Party Republicans) view this as a defeat and an embarrassment to the GOP. Although the Payroll Tax Cut is only a two-month extension, it does give some relief to working Americans to afford the little things in life with the pittance afforded from the Republicans.
It is clear that Republicans only support the rich and corporations, it is very hard for other middle-class Americans who vote Republican to affirm that said Republicans actually represent them. Instead, Republicans tend to only represent district with large businesses in them. The neighborhoods that are within such districts are just excess baggage under the delusion of having such representation. Rhetorically speaking, it leaves the question of "what would happen if corporations, large estates, and exclusive neighborhoods were allowed to become a district of their own? Would other Republican leaning districts with no large businesses or wealth still have that representation?". Obviously the answer is "NO!". This is the clarity of Republican representation.
People who tend to take a centrist position on the subject want to blame both sides for the impasse in Congress are now silent in knowing that only the Republicans are to blame, especially when John Boehner and Mitch McConnell have vowed to make President Obama a one-term president at any cost, even if it means further sabotaging the country in the process. The actions of office holding Republicans will now face upcoming elections in 2012 and find their own pink slip or layoff notice in hand. This would also be the harbinger of death for the Bush Tax Cuts as it would expire on January 1, 2013. Let us be prepared for the new fight of the year when corporations would begin pouring more money into the Republican coffers to extend further or make permanent the Bush Tax Cuts that are now known to have not worked and further eroded the fragile U.S. economy.
For now, Cry Boehner Cry and watch the Tea Party boil over!
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