Doomsday! An event that has been predicted since the earliest forms of civilizations sprung up. Although the Mayan calendar ends on December 21, 2012, text surrounding the calendar, deciphered by archaeologists and scholars, seem to indicate some form of catastrophic event to take place on the dated winter solstice. The Incas' also made similar predictions as did a few Native American Indians. It is also mentioned in the Book of Revelations in the New Testament Bible as well as the Old Testament. Nostradamus, the Romans, even our own American sooth sayer Edgar Casey predicted the end of the world. Even Carl Sagan estimated a possible physical end of the world based on a number of factors relative to the sun burning out into a giant red dwarf before collapsing into a pulsar. However, Dr. Sagans' prediction would occur sometime in the 38th century.
So, how will the world end? Who knows what cause or event will destroy our only world? There are a number of possible causes and disasters that seem plausible: super volcanoes, major tectonic plate shift (giant earthquake), tsunami, extinction level asteroid strike, neutron burst from a nearby star, black hole, nuclear/biological war, extraterrestrial invasion, or even (according religion) divine intervention. The only people who seem eager for the world to end are evangelical and "born again" Christians because they believe they will be "raptured" off the Earth, an idea invented by a British pastor in the early 18th century. It is very interesting that people continue to believe the end is near. A belief that has continued for many centuries. All they can think and preach about is the mortality of man. How morbid! Still, we can look at our clocks and calendars and take notes as each day in 2012 winds down.
We can only guess when the world will end or how people will find a way to end it. Just remember that when politicians play up to some of those christian branch religions, pious groups and sects by promising more wars and less freedoms to those who are not one of them (rich), you can bet that others will suffer based on biased Republican ideology.
Just remember that doomsday may just be a Republican vote away.
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