Friday, November 9, 2012

Loathing and Excuses in Republican Land

       As the republican base and RNC seeth in anger and frustration, they are quick to pass blame on everyone and everything except themselves from a super storm to "stupid people", as some pundits have said. First and foremost, super storm Sandy was highly blamed coupled with Chris Christie thanking President Obama for doing his job and helping the storm-damaged state. Republicans were quick to shame Gov. Christie by saying "he endorsed the president" when he did not. Gov. Christie chastise the republican party for their quick and wrong accusation while standing his ground as a real conservative not afraid to stand up to what he believes in, instead of returning into the fold lock-step with nary an utterance to the contrary.

       Republican mouth-piece Limbaugh sounded off a list of "offenders" from minorities (especially hispanics), women, ignorant voters, young new voters, gays and lesbians, state and federal supreme court justices, and super storm Sandy. It is speculative that Limbaugh did not admit that the voter suppression laws failed or Tagg Romney's voting machines were pulled before the election. Instead, Limbaugh went on a rant, short of using expletives or racial slurs.

       The only true excuse not used by many republicans and the RNC is that Mitty-boy never really  connected with anyone below his tax bracket. The majority of Americans only saw the bully for what he really is: a plutocrat with contempt for poor and middle-class Americans. One would bet that even Big Bird was used as an excuse for Romney's loss. But, the loudest ones making excuses is Karl Rove and other super PACs that spent over a combined billion dollars and got NOTHING! Millionaires and billionaires are also demanding to know what happened and may decide to sue for a refund. I bit of advice for them is to remind them that if they make a bet and lost, there are no refunds, so let the buyer beware.

       Just recently, Karl Rove accused the president of (get this...) SUPPRESSING the vote! How cynnical and low will they go? This is coming from a party that demanded cutting the early voting days in half (or just doing away with it all together!), shrinking the hours for people to vote, causing long lines and hours to wait to vote in minority-heavy districts, denying people their right to vote, redistricting boundaries to lean more republican. Basically, this is republicans at what they do best: lying, cheating, and stealing to win an election at any cost. After all of this, they still lost.

       Facts be damned for any republican voter to admit to. There is no convincing them that the republicans have no interest in them except their vote (permission) to strip them of their rights, little by little. It should be insulting to ALL Americans when you see and hear people like O'Reilly, Limbaugh, Reince Prebus, Fox and "Friends" commentators, and Fox "News" entirely make cynnical and insulting remarks about minorities and women. Some of these Tea Party "conservatives" were actually calling out for a civil war to "storm the capitol and take the White House by force". Sounds like treason to me!

       As of now, we can only hear more excuses and blame. But none to themselves.

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