As Republican House Speaker John Boehner admits to "getting 98% of what he wanted", it only leaves the actual question of to whom he is actually representing. The "deal" that he claims is his, is an actual job killer in most public sector careers and some private sector careers such as in education and social services. Other cuts include Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid, Planned Parenthood, infrastructure, environment, local and federal government. It is essentially a return to the height of the Bush era when millions of people lost their jobs in order to secure the bottom line for most large businesses and energy companies, only in this instant, it is a denial to allow necessary spending in the public sector to grow more jobs. It is the belief that most Republican office holders espouse as a government growing bigger. Obviously it is not so. It is an excuse to create more unemployment in order to secure the expansion of the private sector. Current college graduates are now finding it more impossible to find good jobs they need to pay off their student debts.
It is not just federal government employees that are losing their jobs, local governments are also feeling the impact of job losses under a Republican mandate, especially in red states. Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnel admitted that using terroristic tactics to get what they wanted worked and acknowledged that they would do it again in the next round of budget talks that continue to exclude revenue increases to the top 1% and large organizations that have benefited from tax cuts for 10 years. Republicans often spin the term "revenue increase" as a blanket term for raising taxes on everyone. The truth of the matter is a reinstatement of taxes to only the rich and large businesses and energy companies, not the American people. Is it fair that for those with the means to support themselves continue to benefit from the Bush tax cuts while the rest of the nation lose the benefits they put into through payroll deductions?
While the only concession that was made available to the American public were Pell grants for poor college students, the grants themselves did not increase to commensurate with the increase in college tuition, books and supplies, and dorm accommodations. Instead, they will incur more debt, even with full-time jobs (if they can find any). As the Republicans and their marriage to the Tea Bagger party continue to block real progress, one has to ask why would anyone continue to vote for those (Republicans) whose aim is to completely eliminate the middle-class and create a two class society: rich and poor. This is what Boehner is bragging about.
Now that the presidential campaign season is now in full swing for the many Republican candidates, Texas Governor Rick "Pretty Boy" or "Gov. Good Hair" Perry has thrown his dead coyote into the presidential campaign ring. It is bad enough there are enough kooks to shake a stick at among the many Republican presidential hopefuls, Perry, a 2.2 GPA college graduate in Animal Science at Texas A & M, "believes" he has the solutions to correct that which his previous boss created (Bush's GPA was a 2.7, and both were cheerleaders). As he and many other Republican candidates continue to blame the wrong person and party for the inherited mess, Boehner and Co. continue to implement their plan to block any progress President Obama and his administration. Not only is that clear defiance to a sitting president, it is all out class warfare on all Americans of any class.
The reason why for the reference to Rick Perry as "Pretty Boy Perry", is because of his extramarital affair to a male aide and to a male chef at the Governors' Mansion (before the mansion "caught on fire"). Barely a week back from his political prayer-palooza, Perry has already stirred the shit in the pot for making an overt threat against Ben Bernanke, a Republican economist appointed by Bush, for actually doing his job to kick start a sputtering economy that continues to recover from Republican over spending on tax cuts and two unpaid for wars. Perry also said that Texas schools teaches both evolution and creationism. Too bad nobody told that to the Texas Education Agency (TEA), who rebutted his comment to note that Texas public schools currently do not teach creationism. It would be easier to note the many times Perry has threatened seceding from the Union because of his belief of an overreaching government. Ask Perry about how he forced a law to pass that required 10 and 12 year old girls to get "vaccinated" with a drug solely made by a pharmaceutical company owned by one of his friends, or how he has made laws restricting the EPA from doing their job to ensure polluting companies reduce carbon emissions, or even how he quickly signed into law restricting women to intrusive and embarrassing procedures to get an abortion. In all three cases, he is the "overreaching government" that he rails against and wanted to secede from. It should be known that Perry does not speak for all Texans and that some of us are embarrassed that we now have a Bush clone wanting to be president.
So far, no word from the bragger, and no sense from the secessionist.
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