Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Tax and Spend Republicans

It comes as no surprise that congressional Republicans are now wanting to raise taxes, but not from the rich. It was only a matter of time that they would choose this point in time during President Obama's presidency to demand an increase in payroll taxes to raise revenue. Where is the outrage from the Tea Baggers? What happened to Republican House Speaker John Boehners' rehashed slogan of "read my lips..., no new taxes!"? Republican hypocrisy knows no bounds, and now it seems that their stance reaffirms their war on the middle-class and poor. President Barak Obama did extend the payroll tax break, and wants to keep it, but now the "no taxes, period" Republicans want to reinstate only those taxes that 99% of actual working Americans have benefited from.
According to The Associated Press reporter Charles Babington, "Many of the same Republicans who fought hammer-and-tongs to keep the George W. Bush-era tax cuts from expiring on schedule are now saying a different 'temporary' tax cut should end as planned. By their own definition, that amounts to a tax increase". If the Republicans really feel that way, it opens up new dialogue to not only let all of the Bush tax cuts to expire, but to rewrite the tax code to include equally taxing the very rich and all large organizations. That is being fiscally responsible not only from a Democratic point of view, but equally fair for that 1% of Americans to pay their share. Warren Buffet wrote an op-ed piece in the Wall Street Journal on the very subject of how fair it would be to rewrite the tax code to raise much need revenue, not only to actually create jobs, but to pay off the nation's debts in the process.
While Republicans continue to spend audacious amounts of tax payer money to the "job creators" rich and large organizations, no job has actually been created under such Republican philosophy. However, when jobs do develop out of necessity, Republicans are quick to claim credit. A new jobs bill will soon be introduced to the House of "Representatives" from President Obama, it is to have everything in it that is wanted and need by both sides, even Tea Baggers would favor it (hard to believe, huh?). Unfortunately, the party of "No" is going to shoot it down simply because it is a Democratic plan. When Republicans screeched that "they (the Obama administration) have no plan, they miss led a nation to vote them into office. Funny thing, though, they never had a plan for the poor, middle-class, and real small business to succeed in any way or form, but only to score political points from the gullible, narrow-minded people who continue to vote them into office. It makes one wonder how anyone would side with a party out to destroy their way of life to only represent the wealthy.
As Republicans spend tax money as fast as they can kick a kitten, they have now made their hypocrisy even more transparent.

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