Whether on ultra conservative radio stations, appearances on Fox "news" networks during prime-time, or posted on ultra right-wing and Tea Party websites, there is a deep fixation of those commentators and entertainers who like to compare and generalize the Democrats and the Obama administration to the Nazis. It is assumed that everyone on the "right" does not remember, or prefers not to remember, the politics of Germany leading up to the election of Hitler and how he ran his campaign based on hate and fear. Does this sound familiar? It should. Let us break it down to actual simple facts to be clear on the subject.
After World War I, Germany and her axis allies were sanctioned heavily by the existing world powers of the time, which were England, France, Italy, Greece, United States, The Russian Empire, (before the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917), Serbia, Ukraine, Romania, Belgrade, Algeria, Morocco, Libya, and Egypt, to pay for the war and the damage caused by the remnants of the Ottoman Empire. As the rebuilding of Europe began, Germany had to make reparations to the world and rebuild itself on its own with the allies restricting Germany's ability to rebuild its entire military, thus ousting the Kaiser and leaving Field Marshall Paul Von Hindenburg to lead a nation.
In case nobody knows who were the Axis Powers of the time, they were Austria and Hungary, The German Empire, (Germany, Amsterdam, parts of Poland, and Lithuania), Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire which today is now Turkey, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Iran, (sometimes referred to as Persia at the time), Georgia, Armenia, and parts of Saudi Arabia.
Before Hitler's rise to power in 1933, Germany was still under an Autocratic Republic after WWI. The Armistice was signed in Paris, France on November 11, 1918. The Wiemar Constitution of 1919 allowed an elected president (Von Hindenburg) to nominate the cabinet and the chancellor. The Wiemar Constitution had provisions for human-rights, but were limited. It also provided for Germany to rebuild its infrastructure and provide jobs, but failed to follow state authority. Adolf Hitler joined a new movement that called itself the National Socialists Movement, later to be known as the Nazi Party with Hitler as its leader. After Hitler was elected into office and later nominated as Chancellor by President Von Hindenburg, he instituted the Enabling Act of 1933 which completely undermined the Wiemar Constitution by allowing him to legislate and change the constitution without cabinet approval.
Does this sound familiar? It should. House Speaker John Boehner (what a coincidence, a German name!) continues to undermine President Barack Obama and his administration by passing legislation without approval, insisting, as House Majority leader Eric Cantor said, approve bills into law without senatorial approval and without the president's signature.
According to most historians, Hitler was considered a megalomaniac bent on total destruction of the European system and reestablishing itself as a world power by investing heavily in its military industrial complex and demonizing non Aryan Germans, homosexuals, Socialist and Communists, and centrist German Democrats.
Again, a similar account of the Tea Party movement that have taken over the Republican Party: Mitt Romney wanting to build a larger military and spend more on defense, most of the Republican presidential candidates demonizing the LGBT community, minorities, other religions, Democrats and few remaining real Republicans who share or compromise, and wanting to overturn some or parts of the U.S. Constitution to favor Tea Party Republican ideology, as well as change election laws to ensure only Republican electoral victories.
Hitler's rebuilding of Germany included rewriting history and teach Germanic folklore based on Nazi ideology. Before doing so, German schools would only teach children of registered Nazi Party members.
There, again, is the similarity of today's ultra conservative Republicans preference to send their children to private schools (if they can afford it) that teaches creationism over proven established science.
Finally, there is the oath to Hitler that is forced upon the people and willingly taken by the military, administered by the Nazi Party. Citizens are made to spy upon one another and report anything deemed a threat to the party.
Although Republican lawmakers have taken an oath to their respective offices and to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, they willingly (and sometimes pressured) to actually take and sign an oath to Grover Norquist and other pledges that undermine their actual legitimate oaths, while Republican red states make laws against illegal immigrants. Such laws have been deemed so extreme that the laws overstep federal authority and make legal immigrants and native minorities criminals in their own communities, thus allowing police to legally racial profile anyone who "looks" like an illegal immigrant.
So, the next time Republicans and Der Tie Party try to make Nazi references towards Democrats and the Obama administration (or anyone else they feel threatened by), just remember that history is now showing who the real National Socialists are. Let us not repeat that part of history ever again.
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