As the Republicans continue to struggle to find the "right evangelical Christian" man to run against President Barack Obama, they continue to delude the masses (and themselves) and place the blame of the country's woes on President Barack Obama and the Democratic party. Texas Republican Governor and presidential candidate Rick Perry, recently quelled the HPV mandate his Republican rivals hammered him on in the CNN/Tea Party "debate". Now, Rick Perry must fend off the latest issue that is now hampering his candidacy: the N-word head name painted on a rock at the entrance of the hunting camp grounds owned by the Perry family.
As noted by the Perry family and Rick Perry's campaign manager, Mark Miner, Perry's father painted over the offensive name in 1984. The report of this action is only indicative that the action taken was done only once, only to spur another coat of paint when the story broke. It was reported by friends, acquaintances, and guests who visited the little happy hunting grounds as having witnessed the name of the retreat in it's full glory throughout the years up to this point. The irony is that Rick Perry's father painted over the rock in the early 1980's, little Ricky had just entered politics. Is it a coincidence? Maybe..., but it would have been easier to simply take a sledgehammer to pulverize the offensive language off the rock if the Perry family truly believed the language did not reflect their collective thinking. So, down goes "Pretty (good'ol) Boy" Perry.
So far, Michelle Bachmann has been very careful to stay low and limit her retorts to be aired only on Fox "News". However, she is not without fault. So far, her political career lacks any significant accomplishments as a representative to pass any of her bills to become law, most of which died in committee. Her career as an IRS audit lawyer actually does not fully qualify her to lead a nation, but at least she had a good GPA average in college (hint, hint...!). She also won the Republican Iowa Caucus Straw Poll, but, again,she has not made any real progress after that. As Bachmann continues to make her magical mystery tour, her skewed version of facts and history only hurts her campaign along with her hypocritical acceptance of stimulus funds used towards her farm and her "husband's" clinic. One has to conclude that such acceptance makes her just as much a socialist as she labels liberals. Although Michelle Bachmann did use the HPV vaccination argument against Rick Perry, she only embarrassed herself by including the notion that the HPV inoculation caused retardation reported by one of her constituents' daughter despite years of clinical research and studies conducted by pharmaceutical giant Merck and independent doctors and scientists. Again, trusted science out the window. It would not matter anyway because most Republicans will not vote for a woman to attain the highest office in the land.
Then there is Herman Cain, the Godfather Pizza CEO! Again, the Grand Old Party's (GOP) only admitted Tea Party candidate who, just recently, assume the "Occupy Wall Street" protesters are all unemployed and blamed them for being broke. Although the unemployed only make up a small percentage of the protesters of what Cain assumes, the rest of the protesters are employed or under employed, college students, teachers, city workers, and now have drawn union members, and anyone else, despite their party affiliation,willing to protest the inequities wrought by Wall Street. Obviously, the pizza guy is very supportive of Wall Street bankers, most (if not all) of whom were directly or indirectly responsible for wrecking the U.S. economy, and robbed billions of dollars from retirees pensions, 401(K) accounts, other savings, thus causing one of the largest foreclosures not seen since during the Great Depression. Talk about harboring criminals! Even though Herman Cain is a presidential candidate, he will not be chosen by the GOP because there is already a black man in the Oval Office, and based on how Republicans and Tea Baggers constantly attack President Obama, to them, one is too many. The Tea Party Republicans only favor Cain out of convenience in order to stave off the notion that the movement is racist. To be fair, the Tea Party movement is not entirely racist, but does draw those racist elements that join their movement. Still you do not see any actual member or supporter keeping them out or spell-checking their signs. When such inconsistency is pointed out, the Tea Party movement would cite the First Amendment when it suits them and deny it to all others who disagrees with them.
Newt Gingrich! Need I say more?
And then there is Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman; the only two Mormons running for president. Simply put, Evangelical "Christian" Republicans will not vote for either of them because they are not viewed as Christians, but as a cult, according to Evangelical "Christian" leaders. Although Romney and Huntsman get the standard positive lip service from the Republican Party, they are still not good enough for the other Republican flavors. Mitt Romney has it the hardest due to Romney Care, gun control, and supportive of independent scientific findings of global warming. On the flip-side of that coin, his image as a hired CEO gun to large corporations only confirms how people view corporations as not being human and heartless by firing workers (hourly and salary) and rehiring only half of those workers at half the pay, just to ensure big bonuses for the top CEO's. This stance only makes Romney a favorite among big businesses. The scary part now is how Romney is using an old Republican campaign promise to increase the military entirely and add more troops to the current troop strength levels in all branches (something that already exists). That is all we need; another Republican to (as Republicans like to say about Democrats) "spend us into oblivion" and start another war with a go-it-alone mentality. Did we not already do that under Dub'ya Bush?
With the remaining hopeful Republican presidential candidates waiting in the wing, the Republican Party itself continues a now wide search for that "right" candidate they can have confidence in. Just recently, the Republican governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie, has just given his final "no" response to their beckoning, and half-term Alaska governor, Sarah Palin, is quitting (again) early by "deciding" not to join the race.
As Republican leaders now contend that the president "has the nerve to start his campaign for re-election" during the start of the campaign season, said Republicans began their campaign the very next day after the 2008 presidential election was over and all votes in. The Republican campaign began with a solemn oath to make President Obama a one term president. The way Republicans went about it was to use various forms of political terrorism and hold the nation hostage by stripping away rights to vote and deny unemployment benefits to people who put some of their taxes into. Republicans continue to show their true colors by trying to destroy the middle-class and usher in a rich and poor only society and only representing millionaires and billionaires. One can only dread how Republicans allow themselves to virtually destroy the country and pit its citizens against one another just to get back into the White House.
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