In the wake of women's rights for contraception in President Barack Obama's new health care law, Republicans chose to attack the plan under the ruse of "protecting" religious freedom. This is an example of an organization grasping at straws simply because Republicans cannot dispute any of the successes the president has achieved.
Republicans cannot dispute a faster-than-expected recovering economy, a foreign policy that has mended relations with our allies, a successful military action that resulted in the death of Osama Bin Laden and Awal Al Maliki, ending the war in Iraq, passing a health care law that covers all Americans, reducing the need for foreign oil while expanding domestic oil exploration, thus exporting more oil than we consume, not seen since the 1960's, and now, a contraception plan that covers women's health and appeases churches.
Now, drawing on a wedge issue that Republicans favor, is to use religion as a weapon to deprive a woman's right of equality by denying health coverage, contraception, and forcing laws that intrude on women's bodies. It was one's understanding that Republicans were for limited government but, as usual, are more inclined to take away their rights of choice by telling them what they can and cannot do to or with their bodies and force doctors to perform unnecessary intrusive medical procedures under the threat of arrest.
It is bad enough that red states enacted their own destructive and intrusive laws to circumvent Roe v. Wade, but to force their will upon women amounts to nothing more that state sanctioned rape. Kansas virtually allows super pro life suspects to murder doctors who perform abortion or prescribe birth control related prescriptions. Although those suspects were caught, judged, and sent to prison, the state's Republican Attorney General was reluctant to administer the full extent of the law because he is "pro life". Texas Republican Governor Rick "See, I'm a bigger Christian and I carry a gun" Perry enacted redundant sonogram laws that are also intrusive and force doctors to demean and humiliate women who choose to abort a pregnancy and force them to wait much longer before performing the procedure.
And now at the apex of the issue, Rush "where's the Oxycontin?" Limbaugh has resorted to attacking a third year law student by calling her a "slut" and a "prostitute" for testifying the need for women's contraception. Where is the proof to his conclusion? Limbaugh, through his rant against the student, wanted her to "have sex" and "post it on the internet so he could watch". Rush is now abdicating pornography.
Through the outrage and backlash from all sides, some Republicans had to repudiate Rush's tirade, even Rick "I was Tea Party before there was a Tea Party" Santorum said Rush's rant was "absurd". Although John Boehner had a chance to personally say something, he chose to let his spokesperson to speak for him. I thought he was the Speaker of the House and could "speak" for himself. The other Republican presidential candidates did offer some slight repudiation, but Mitt "I'm rich and you're jealous" Romney did not say anything for almost 48 hours after the backlash. It was recently noted that Clear Channel broadcasts Limbaugh's show and owns the the rights, but it is also known that Bain Capitol owns Clear Channel and Romney owns stocks and shares of Bain Capitol, essentially making him Rush's boss. This is clearly a "firing" offense for Romney to influence, but it becomes even more clear that Rush is the mouth piece for the Republican Party.
Because of the backlash, Rush had to apologize. Rush's "apology" was more about himself than it was about being sincere to the young law student. I am sure suing Rush for Defamation of Character and Slander comes to mind from many law students and lawyers, but until then, Rush will continue to slander any one, group, or entity that is not "conservative". Rush should practice that term and conserve his one-man war of words against anyone with a different opinion while Clear Channel should consider firing him. Until then, Limbaugh will continue to speak for the Republican Party while the "candidates" allow him and his followers to continue to hate.
Nice! Finally a group of peeps that are hated by more than me!