In view of what the four current Republican presidential candidates have promised in their campaigns, it becomes more relevant that their agenda is more about control and those they summon to reign dominion over.
Their actions and speeches are merely ideological rants of the Republican Tea Party, and the Republican Party itself, to ensure votes in support of an oligarchy government. The middle-class and working poor that support such a party are either overcome with their empty promises or are not intelligent enough to understand that they themselves are only pawns and will not benefit anything from another Republican administration except a return to high unemployment, an economy that only favors the rich 1%, another war, and (my favorite) "less government" with more government intrusion.
In light of the Rush Limbaugh "apology", it was not intended to insight regret on his behalf to Sandra Fluke, a third-year law student, but to try to minimize his entire rant to two key words that he could not get away from; "slut" and "prostitute". Limbaugh's "apology" was only about him being a victim of the "liberal media". In case he missed it, he is a part of that same "liberal media" because of the liberty he takes to bully anyone who disagree with him and to bash President Barack Obama and his administration on the air.
The premise of the Republican party and the RNC (Republican National Convention), is regression, not progress. It is clear in how red states are pushing their legislature to write and pass new Jim Crow laws by restricting the voting rights of minorities, students, women, the elderly, and the poor, based on a problem that does not exist. If the Republicans are so adamant of such voting restrictions, then they should have no problem exercising such restrictions in their primaries when they vote for their candidate.
Now, at the forefront, Republicans want to eliminate a woman's right to choose and concentrating on eliminating Planned Parenthood entirely. Each Republican presidential candidate have expressly and clearly identified that organization and any "affiliate" associated with Planned Parenthood as a target to shut down if either one becomes president. Red states cannot shut down a government-sponsored organization such as Planned Parenthood because it would violate the Supreme Court ruling of Roe v. Wade. Instead, they have enacted laws to deny funding to such an organization that helps millions of working poor women.
Although such laws are in violation of Roe v. Wade, it is an end-run around the federal law itself. Texas Governor "Doctor"Rick Perry seems to think he knows more about female anatomy than women and actual physicians do. Recently, Doonesbury cartoonist Garry Trudeau penned and sketched six panels depicting "Dr." Perry's new invasive sonogram law, only to have most newspapers deny publication and place alternative Doonesbury comics in place and, in some papers, relegated Doonesbury to the "Opinions" section of the paper.
Without further adieu, here is Doonesbury, by Garry Trudeau (go back to top of blog):
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