Sunday, November 13, 2011

A Veterans' Weekend

As we observe Armistice Day, we must remember the veterans of WWI and the sacrifices they made for that period in time noting it to be the war to end all wars. From that time to the present, we realize that there will always be wars. There will always be an aggressor to arise out of the ashes to wreak havoc in an effort to enslave the world, not just for conquest, but for ideology as well.
We must remember all veterans, from our ancestors, to the new ones today. We must also remember our allied veterans, whom we are also grateful to have in our collective need to defeat those who would take away our freedom not just at home, but from afar. We should always be grateful for the freedoms we now have and sometimes take for granted and let no one take it away by force or by vote.
To know a veteran is to know he or she is humble and also grateful to have served, having volunteered and acknowledging the sacrifices made to themselves and to their families. We should also thank the families of veterans for the sacrifices they made in allowing their spouses, sons, daughters, fathers, and mothers to go into harms' way to secure a free world. Sometimes, the ultimate sacrifice is made.
As the most common question is asked, "if you had to go again, would you?", there would be those who would answer "no" or "I don't know", but deep down we know it would be a resounding "hell yes!" almost as quickly as the question is uttered.
Whether we are in uniform or not, we all do our part to support and defend the Constitution and to defend freedom and democracy around the world against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
Let us remember.

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